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Taking Texas Tobacco Free (TTTF)

Dr. Correa-Fernandez is a co-investigator in the Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas' Taking Texas Tobacco-Free Workplace Program (PI: Reitzel), which involves assisting mental health and substance abuse clinics across Texas to implement tobacco-free workplaces and promote smoking cessation among consumers and staff. The program also reaches diverse vulnerable communities.

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Treating Obesity in Underserved Communities in Houston (TOUCH)

Treating Obesity in Underserved Communities in Houston (TOUCH) is a program to assist residents of Houston’s Third Ward and East End in alleviating obesity-related challenges (PIs: Obasi & O'Connor). TOUCH provide free and culturally informed health education, prevention strategies, and intervention support and aims to serve as a model of a sustainable and scalable program that can be replicated in other communities.


Knowledge and Practices Related To Tobacco Use And Cessation Among Medical Providers Who Serve Patients Living With The HIV/AIDS In Argentina

Knowledge and practices related to tobacco use and cessation among medical providers who serve patients living with the HIV/AIDS in Argentina. This study’s objective was to explore the knowledge that infectologists (e.g., physicians treating patients with infectious diseases) in Argentina had in relation to the effects that tobacco use has on their patients, as well as to describe their attitudes and behaviors about tobacco use and tobacco cessation assistance offered to the patients. Results from this study will provide fundamental information for the design and implementation of tobacco cessation training programs directed to this group of professionals. Dr. Correa-Fernández is a co-investigator in this project.

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